Social Media is a great, low cost way to market your business or product to a potentially massive audience. Understanding which platforms to use and how each works to promote your product and/or business is what we do. By considering the business goals of each individual client, we design a customized social media strategy designed for your company’s success.
What is all the “hype” around social marketing?
Because of its high visibility and ease of sharing, Social Media (SM) is a low cost way to increase brand recognition, build community with your customer base, heighten awareness of your company, and increase website traffic to drive sales. The repeated exposure SM offers keeps your brand ‘top of mind’ when a need arises.
Due to the fast growing use of social media platforms, many companies are already taking advantage of this highly visible, affordable marketing tool and nearly 46% of business leaders are planning to increase their 2014 SM budgets (according to
Why use SM when I can use emails to communicate with my customers on a regular basis?
SM is a great partner when already using emails to communicate. Some customers find their inboxes so cluttered with SPAM, they ignore potentially valuable business communication. SM offers an opportunity for your customers to engage with you on a level that emailings do not.
How do I find my target audience on SM? How do I select the right social platform(s) for my business?
SM is not one size fits all. There are more than 200 social media platforms worldwide. We evaluate your target audience and use our knowledge to find the right platform(s) for your business.
How do I sell on SM when it is not supposed to be sale-oriented?
Promoting your brand is an important part of SM, but promoting individual products and specials in the right format increases your sales.
What are the best ways to engage my audience? What SM methodologies are most effective?
This is where you get the biggest bang for your buck. Our strategy customizes your plan for engaging clients and determines what methods to use and when, because timing is everything. We have done the research and continue to study the ins and outs of social media marketing. We know what works and what does not.
How do I measure my return on investment (ROI)?
Our strategy plans show how your ROI is measured, not only financially but socially. You see your ROI in an intuitive interface that is easy to understand.
How do I fit SM in to my schedule?
“I do not have the time to spend 10 hours a week or more on SM, nor do I have the funds or resources to be consistent.” This is the number one statement we hear from new clients. By giving you the confidence that your company’s presence and branding is active on a daily basis, engaging your customers and growing your business, we remove the worry of SM marketing.
We are YOUR competitive advantage to using SM correctly and effectively. Our goal is to help your business make the appropriate connections with current and potential customers to get their attention without overwhelming them.