We are currently in uncharted waters socially and economically, but I wanted to share some of our current observations and assure all of our clients that we are here to help you get the most from your marketing strategies during this difficult time.  I will do my best to keep you informed of changing marketing efforts and realized opportunities as they arise.

What we are seeing…

With the cancellation of sporting, entertainment and other large group events, an increase in travel restrictions and the closure of fitness, retail and dine-in restaurant outlets, social media usage has skyrocketed! And since social distancing is recommended for weeks to come, social media engagement is predicted to be higher than ever for the foreseeable future.   

Video apps like TikTok, YouTube, and Snapchat are seeing much-increased activity for those aged 12 – 26, and video streaming is at an all-time high.  If you are using traditional media like TV and radio, I recommend streaming ads on media platforms like Hulu,  Amazon Prime, and other popular streaming apps.

What type of content…

Even if your content advertising doesn’t produce an immediate sale today, there is still a great opportunity to dramatically increase brand awareness! Quality content with advice, knowledge, and tips related to your services and products adds value to people today and further cements you as an authority in your market niche.  Make sure you are actively engaging on social media through posts, likes and shares and don’t forget to utilize the Stories feature on both Instagram and Facebook. 

In the same way restaurants are generating goodwill through curbside service (when they don’t normally offer it,) and gyms and fitness boutiques are increasing brand loyalty through live streaming workouts, you can deliver value to people by finding marketing angles that make your products and services relevant during this time, and by discovering unique ways to ultimately help your audience get closer to the result they want to generate.  If done right, your content will cement your brand or business as an asset, and will ensure new followers and customers when things return to normal.

What history tells us…

This is a good time for your advertising to spread further and also to gain tremendous market share.  People are listening and focusing more now that life has slowed down in many ways, able to more closely peruse emails, blogs, and social media posting.   You have a captive audience. I recommend using it. Those businesses that double down on content promotion during times like this have experienced an increase 3-12x once situations pass.

My team has been working overtime with many of our clients that have already contacted us to get new strategies in place, but I want to remind everyone that there is opportunity to continue growing your business.  Stay active on social media and schedule an appointment with me if you need more assistance.

I hope everyone stays healthy and happy during this unusual time.